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I am trying to collect information about our Italian family and thier passing through Ellis Island.
Heritage, and history is a contributing factor to one's personal character. These character traits contribute to the union of marriage. Our marriage symbolizes more than just a union between us, as man and wife. This is a union of beliefs, goals, and desire for happiness. Family Unity is happiness. We may be broke and sick, but we can try to be the uniting forces within this generation of our combined family histories.
My wife brings in grandparents that had 26 children, and at one time was the largest amount of children that any man and woman had ever concieved in the United States. That story will be coming soon.
My side of the family came from Avelino region of Italy, and migrated through the infamous Ellis Island for a better life here in America. I am now researching thier entry into America.
So when you consider the tree, and it's branches of our family, it is interesting.

  Then there are the generational disparities... I was born in 1960, and I watched the 60's unfold and it defined the 70's for me to grow up into. My wife was born in the late 60's and the 70's shaped her youth to grow into the 80's...
Now we are parents who owe our children teachings and knowledge from our collective heritages. It is important for all of you- the extended family to share information to build the education for fr the future generations of grandchildren.
If you have information about the family tree, we will be building a new site that connects each connected family like a network of computers, or like the tree connects it's roots to the branches, as they continulally grow.
Our religion demands that we teach our children in accordance with the Holy Bible.

  To Our Family: Send us all of the collective data you have, Please. If you have information to add, please leave your email in the guestbook. We are developing some professional sites and a new superfamily site to contain many links from the east-coast to the westcoast.

I really appreciate all the information and contacts I have recieved from so many of you regarding the Damiano name. I am truly sorry that I have not been able to update the site more often. I have been very busy taking care of my family.
As I research information, I will send it to you. Please sign the guestbook with a valid e-mail. Thanks from the Damiano Family.

We also plan to exhibit an article written on the Story Family, whom is Lynnette's Great-Grandparents.